Industrial Overhead Lockers

Industrial Overhead Lockers

(Mine Dry)

Transform your changeroom experience with the revolutionary LOCKERBASKET® system, engineered to redefine storage solutions with unparalleled efficiency and hygiene. Designed for industries where cleanliness and functionality are paramount, our fully integrated system offers a range of benefits that elevate your facility to new standards of excellence.

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 Key Features and Benefits: 

100% Ventilated Clothes Storage: Ensure optimal air circulation and freshness for stored garments, promoting hygiene and reducing odors.

Sanitary: Designed with cleanliness in mind, the LOCKERBASKET® system prevents moisture buildup and maintains a hygienic environment throughout.

Complete and Fully Integrated System: From design to installation, The Moore Company delivers a seamless solution tailored to your specific needs, ensuring every aspect of the LOCKERBASKET® system enhances your facility.

40% Reduction in Changeroom Building Costs: Streamline your project budget with our efficient design, reducing construction expenses without compromising quality or functionality.

Bright, Open Changeroom: Enjoy a spacious and inviting environment with our system, enhancing user comfort and satisfaction.

85% Open Floor Area: Maximize usable space with minimal obstruction, optimizing flow and accessibility within your changeroom layout.

Lower Clean-up Costs: With easy-to-clean surfaces and minimal corners, the LOCKERBASKET® system simplifies maintenance, reducing both time and expenses associated with upkeep.

Pilfer Proof: Secure your belongings with confidence. Our system provides robust security features to safeguard personal items, ensuring peace of mind for users and management alike.

Visual Inspection: Easily monitor contents with clear visibility through ventilated baskets, facilitating quick inventory checks and enhancing operational efficiency.

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