Living Walls


Versa Wall®

The easiest system on the market.

Our patented modular tray system, The Versa Wall®, is the easiest system on the market to design, install and maintain indoors. The trays are made in different lengths, allowing the system to configure to any size and can install around doors or windows and wrap around corners or columns.

The Versa Wall® is water efficient since each plant gets its own water. It does not require constant watering, which is beneficial for plant health and sustainability. Using 4” potted plants, it is easy to keep looking full, easily add seasonal color and plant replacements, without the mess of repotting.



Versa Wall® XT

Our most water-efficient system.

Our patented modular tray system, the Versa Wall® XT, is easy to install and maintain. Using 1-gallon potted plants, there is no need for the longer growth time that pre-planted systems have so it’s start-to-finish time frame can be much less. Also, this system is easy to keep looking full with easy plant replacement and it has the ability to re-design.

It is our most water efficient system since each plant gets its own water and doesn’t require constant watering. This system is suitable for any climate, but in northern climates with extreme temperature changes, it is recommended as a seasonal wall storing or removing plants for the winter.


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The MOBILE Versa Wall® brings all the benefits of plants while providing social distancing, privacy, sound absorption or simply expanding or reducing space size.

Ideal for open areas in offices, restaurants, hotels, conference space or anywhere spatial adjustment is required.

Can be two sided, or added functionality can be obtained with a whiteboard, corkboard or cloth on one side.


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