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You can not finish your booking through the website. You will need to phone in your reference # to complete your booking.

Rental Start:
Rental End:
Name per Day * per Week per Month ** Total
Closet Auger  |  $18.00 $36.00 $72.00 $18.00
* Discounts for partial days available on some items.
** Month is based on 4-week period, not a calendar month.
*** Pricing not guaranteed, call or request a quote for exact pricing.
Cost Estimate:
Rentals $18.00
Sales $0.00
subtotal $18.00
taxes (13%) $2.34
Total $20.34
Price does not include any possible contractor or business discounts. Prices subject to change in store at time of rental. Does not include Delivery or Pickup charges.
Use reference   # 417035   to access this list in store.
— or —
Fill out the form below and send your info to us and we will get in touch with you.

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